Our friends over at CrackBerry highlighted a forum thread today where a BlackBerry 10 user claimed their iPhone-totting friends were jealous of all the shiny new features that phone had to offer. I've been using a BlackBerry Z10 for over a month now, and while I like a lot of the ideas BlackBerry is testing out in their new OS, I'm not in the least bit inclined to switch over yet, and I'm not sure jealousy has reared its ugly head even once.
The gesture navigation, even if less discoverable, is great once you get the hang of it, as are features like peek, where you can glimpse messages without transitioning completely into them, and the hub where all communications are aggregated. It really does feel like webOS all grown up, now sporting a suit and a tie. But there are still the types of quirks you'd expect to find in any new operating system, which need smoothing out and polishing up, and not only are a lot of major apps still missing, I can't find any of the apps I use every day on any platform outside iOS (looking at you Twitterrific, Tweetbot, Launch Center Pro, Fantastical, Drafts, Elements, etc.)
But I'm curious, if you've had a chance to see or try out BlackBerry 10, have you felt the least bit jealous? iOS is now the oldest platform in mobile, and BlackBerry 10 the newest, does that tempt you in any way? Or are you too busy enjoying what's still the best interface, app, and content experience to have even noticed BB10 yet?
Vote in the poll up top and let me know the details in the comments below!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/wVwDfey8sDU/story01.htm
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